In March we will observe the space. We will talk discuss what arranging is all about. We will see Magdalena Karpinska’s exhibition “Veil” and look at how artistic realisations function in space. How they organise and transform it. Next, we will look at designing painterly screens. We will check how the paint behaves on the fabric, and we will be accompanied by the question of where to fill the space and where to leave free space. In this way, we create mobile paintings – screens that can be arranged as desired. But before that happens, we will see Magdalena Karpinska’s exhibition “Veil”.
Meetings are held every Wednesday of the month, time to be agreed with the group, admission free, registration required: phone 52 339 30 62.
presented by: Agnieszka Gorzaniak and Karolina Pikos
March 2022
20 Gdańska St.