We would like to invite you to another lecture of the Bydgoszcz Academy of Art.
The first artistic successes at home and abroad of Wanda Telakowska (1905, Sosnowiec – 1985, Warsaw) foreshadowed the extraordinary career of the talented graphic designer, who graduated from the Warsaw School of Fine Arts in 1931. She was the winner of the Gold Medal in the Florence Graphic Competition (1935), the Gold Medal at the International Exhibition of Art and Technology in Paris (1937). In 1938, she began working for the Ministry of Religious Denominations and Public Enlightenment as an inspector of art schools. During the German occupation, she was a teacher of lettering and advertising techniques at the Roesler High School of Commerce. During the Warsaw Uprising, she lost almost all her artistic output. After the war, she did not return to painting and graphic art. She devoted herself to educational and organisational activities.
In 1945, she started working in one of the departments of the Ministry of Culture and the Arts. Five years later, she founded the Institute of Industrial Design in Warsaw, where hundreds of designs for furniture, textiles, clothing, jewellery, ceramics, glass, toys, and everyday objects were created. She worked there for twenty-eight years. In 1956, together with Wanda Krahelska-Filipowicz, she initiated the creation of the magazine Projekt, which in the 1950s-70s strongly influenced the shape of Polish applied art, posters, and publishing graphics. She promoted authentic folk art. She wrote books: “W kręgu chłopskiej kultury” (In the circle of peasant culture) and “Twórczość ludowa w nowym wzornictwie” (Folk art in new design), and together with Tadeusz Reindel: “Kultura plastyczna w życiu codziennym” (Visual culture in everyday life) and “Problemy wzornictwa przemysłowego” (Problems of industrial design); she published numerous articles on design.
She was an exceptional woman, an extraordinary person in many ways, known for her brilliance, her strength of character, her wit. She was friends with the “Skamander” poets. She set new design paths, fought battles over the aesthetics of homes and public spaces, and consistently pursued a mission of “everyday beauty for all.”
Jerzy Brukwicki
Jerzy Brukwicki (1945) – art critic, curator of exhibitions, journalist. Long-standing head of the “Pokaz” Critics’ Gallery in Warsaw. In the 1980s, author of several dozen independent exhibitions, including “Polska Pieta”, “Czas smutku, czas nadziei”, “Obecność”, “Przeciw złu, przeciw przemocy”, “Rocznice”, Solidarność posters; editor and publisher of the independent culture magazine Wybór, editor of the underground social weekly Przegląd Wiadomosci Agencyjnych (PWA), co-worker of the publishers NOWA, Przedświt, Pokolenie. He has organized many exhibitions of contemporary Polish art in Polish and foreign museums and galleries. Author of texts on art and artistic events (e.g. “Exit,” “LOT Kaleidoscope,” “Pokaz,” “Kunstmarkt,” “Polish Culture,” “Reklama,” “Rondo Europa,” “Spotkania z Warszawą,” “Warszawski Informator Kulturalny,” “culture.pl,” portalmini.eu.)
Admission free
Bydgoska Academy of Art
24.01.2024, 18.00
20 Gdańska St.