Subject: Turn on the radio or the art of listening
Presented by Dr. Marek Rzepa
A series of meetings devoted to art and culture in a broad sense, addressed to people aged 60+. The meetings offer discussions on contemporary art, and creative activities that develop cognitive processes, improving manual dexterity by learning different art techniques and forms of art.
Nikola Tesla and Guglielmo Marconi are the fathers of an invention that has changed the image of the modern world forever. Until now, radio has been one of the most important media, providing not only information or presenting music, but also shaping cultural, political or scientific awareness. At the monthly meeting with seniors we will learn the secrets of this fascinating field.

Dr. Marek Rzepa – historian, sound engineer and head of the Department of Phonic and Archival Resources of the Polish Radio PiK
free admission

06.12.2019, 12:00 p.m.
20 Gdańska St.

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